1.名称/Name of Committee
"「器」(UTSUWA) Project " Executive Committee
本委員会は、「器(UTSUWA)」と名付けた「組立式和室のプロトタイプ」の開発普及をもって、和の建築文化・ものづくりの発展に資することを目的とする。 手仕事や職人の技術を持続的に継承・発展させる為、器(UTSUWA)を国内外で発表し、日独など多国籍の幅広い人的ネッ トワークの形成と生活文化のマーケットを創出する。
The purpose of this committee is to contribute to the development of Japanese architectural culture and craftsmen by developing and disseminating a "prototype of an assembly-type Japanese-style room" named "UTSUWA". In order to continuously inherit and develop the techniques of handicrafts and craftsmen, we announced the UTSUWA at home and abroad, and a wide range of multinational human networks such as Japan and Germany. We wish to form a network and create a market for living culture.
3.事業内容/Description of business
1) 器(UTSUWA)のプロトタイプの開発
1) 器(UTSUWA) prototype development
-Improving the prototype of UTSUWA in Japan (produced in 2015) and the prototype in Berlin
-Production of a new prototype through collaboration between Japan, Germany and multiple countries
2) 器(UTSUWA)の発表およびイベント等普及活動
・2021年の日独交流160周年に合わせたイベント及び2025年日本国際博覧会が主催するTEAM EXPO2025の参加。
2) 器(UTSUWA) and events and other promotional activities
-Exhibition of the new UTSUWA prototype in Japan and Germany, Japanese-style room model exhibition,
Japanese-style room lecture, Japanese-German craftsman workshop, etc
-Participation in the event to coincide with the 160th anniversary of Japan-Germany exchange in 2021 and
TEAM EXPO 2025 hosted by the 2025 Japan International Exposition. Also,
we will work step by step toward the presentation at the exposition
3) 器(UTSUWA)の開発、普及を通じた文化・産業融合型人的ネットワーク形成
3) Formation of a human network integrating culture and industry through the development and dissemination of 器(UTSUWA)
-Cooperation with Japanese and European artisans, workshops, Japanese-style room-related businesses, materials and tool producers ...
-Building a human network with Japanese and European architects, designers, researchers, cultural figures, universities, related institutions ...
-Cooperation with research groups by Japanese-German and multinational members, and public institutions involved in cultural exchange and trade
July 2021
石原武政(大阪市立大学名誉教授 財団理事長)
Takemasa Ishihara (Professor Emeritus, Osaka City University, President of the Foundation)
委 員/Commissioner
髙田光雄(京都美術工芸大学建築学部教授 京都大学名誉教授 財団理事)、Schmidt Katrin-Susanne (ベルリン独日協会事務局長)、Dr. Annegret Bergmann(東京大学文化資源学研究科特任准教授)、鈴木あるの(京都橘大学教授)内田利惠子(建築設計室Morizo-主宰/器チーム代表)岡田さお理(coordinates.主宰/日欧和装家)他
他 etc.
Mitsuo Takada (Professor of Kyoto Arts and Crafts University, Emeritus Professor of Kyoto University) Schmidt Katrin-Susanne (Managing Director Deutsch-Japanische Gesellschaft Berlin ) Dr Annegret Bergmann (Project Associate Professor at the Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology, Cultural Resource Studies, The University of Tokyo) Arno Suzuki (Professor, Department of Architectural Design, Kyoto Tachibana University) Rieko Uchida (Morizo- Architectural Design Office / UTSUWA Team Principal) Saori Okada(“coordinates.”/Kimono stylist)
(一財)大阪地域振興調査会 Osaka Research Foundation for Regional Development
器(UTSUWA)プロジェクト事務局(大阪+ベルリン事務所) UTSUWA Project Secretariat (Osaka/Berlin Office)