主催運営:財団法人 大阪地域振興調査会 器プロジェクト事務局
連絡先:kambayashi@daichishin.org (カンバヤシ)
共 催:吉野町地域受入協議会「住んでよしのナビ」
協 力:桝谷建築、吉野中央木材株式会社
・Instruction on the structure and characteristics of the Japanese old house, explanation of Yoshino wood and demonstration of planing
・Discussion about the current situation and issues of old houses in Yoshino, and announcement about the next project of Utsuwa
①Follow the following official accounts
②Access the account at the start time on the day of the event and click on the profile picture to watch the event
Official account: https://www.instagram.com/utsuwa.official/
Management:Osaka Research Foundation for Regional Development , General incorporated foundation
Official website:https://www.daichishin.org/top
Contact: kambayashi@daichishin.org (kanbayashi)
Co-organised by: Yoshino Town migrant support organization "SUNDE YOSHINO NAVI"
Cooperation: Masutani Construction, Yoshino Chuo Lumber Co.